“This Is Exactly How To Meet And Date
The Kind Of Men
You Have Always Wanted”

I understand how this offer works

I Am About To Explain To You
The Exact Techniques And Exclusive Ways

To Help You Be More Successful With Dating And Men
And You Don’t Have To Be Plentiful Or Beautiful To Do It…

Dear friend,

Before I start talking about you and your search for that perfect man, I want to raise a few questions, and I hope you can answer them as truthfully as you can…

Have you ever come across that one guy who you thought was the THE ONE that you’ve been yearning for all along, but for some reason, you just didn’t share that certain chemistry?

You definitely felt that “connection”, only that he’s just not on the same plane as you are!

You are sure that he might be the man of your dreams and that within, you just might get that same feeling that makes you all excited. But it disappoints you that he doesn’t seem to feel the same way.

Next question...

Did you ever get intimate with a man on the first date, or shortly there after first getting to know him, and then regretting it right after? You went on ahead with it even though your gut tells you that it’s definitely a no-no. You know what would happen right after that, but still, you gave into the moment—and now he’s gone, just like he’s never existed at all. Is this rather a familiar situation to you?

It’s really not the disappearing part that’s the worst, but the fact that you were very much aware that it was going to happen. But still, you gave in.

And one last one:

Were you ever exclusively dating someone for quite a significant period of time, let’s say, six months to a year, or beyond that, and you were so itching to have “the talk” with him? You were so eager to hear those three words that he just has not said—but when you tried to coax him into the topic, his eyes just wandered off and his mood quickly changed. And for some reason, he also stopped talking to you soon after that “moment”.

I would understand your explanation. You were just trying to really “connect” with him, but for some reason, that makes him want to keep his distance.

I can imagine just what your girlfriends would say once they heard your story. It would go something like this:

“You know men are just dogs, so why not get over it?”


“He never did deserve you.”

But thing is, he doesn’t even give a damn. Really.

Keeping things spinning in your head 24/7 on what might have been must be the worst feeling of all.

I know it really bothers you. And I am certain that most of the reasons why you feel so upset is because you feel that somehow, YOU had something to do with what went wrong.

You are still trying to figure out what you might have and might have not done, and maybe if you just did it right, he might not have gone away.

I hate to say this, but you may be right.  

You definitely had something to do with the situation. And if only you knew how to handle it well, then I’m sure that you would have ended up much happier.

But you might be asking me—“How would I know?” I believe you would have done that certain something, IF you only knew what it was.

Here’s where it gets complicated, but I want you to listen, and listen well.

Charming THE ONE Involves Strategies, and Certain Secrets...

The biggest thing that you probably overlooked is the fact that MEN ARE MUCH MORE COMPLICATED THAN YOU THINK THEY ARE. I know we may be not as fussy, or not as fickle, but we surely have our inner workings, and these are things that just cannot be understood easily, not even if you think you can do it step-by-step.

Now don’t get all down on yourself and feel that you will never totally understand men at all, despite what your girlfriends tell you, that he doesn’t deserve you, that he was just another @#$%, or other variations of those feel-good statements. Let me tell you, they don’t comprehend the problem at all in the first place.

Ladies in general never really truly understand men. Believe me, your friends are saying all of that because they just want you to get over him. Plus, they’re your friends!

I know they mean well, but they are just digging a deeper hole than before by saying all the wrong things.

Your friends all hold responsible the poor guy for what happened, instead of making you realize that there are things you could have done to make your man STAY.

The hardest part is when you meet the PERFECT MAN, but you just can't get him to stay!! I know meeting men like this does not happen everyday, that’s why you have to know how to say and do the right things in order for him to want to stay.

You just can’t lose him and that really good thing you’ve got going on, and it’s a shame to just let go of the great times you’ve had together. Who knows, but this relationship just might be IT—can you even think of losing him, just because you had no idea what to do?

I know, I have been telling you some bad news, but the good news is…there’s still good news.

You CAN do something to break this cycle of loving and losing. Like, right now.

You can FIND him and SNAG him, and learn to know how.

But you may ask me why I am so sure about this.

Well, first of all, I AM A MAN. I am discussing these things with you coming from my own perspective. Because I know only too well how we guys think.

Plus, I have been there. In all those nasty, awkward relationships when in love and dating. I have been called a jerk, a dog, what have you. Just because I left. From what I have experienced, I have learned a lot about love and relationships. And now I am basically sharing what I know with YOU, after years of hearing dating stories gone wrong.

For the past few years, I have put together everything I can recall from my experience, and at the same time tried to get more information from ladies, doing my research, and finding out how you view love. And I pretty much found out several important things.

The Top Slip-Ups
Ladies Make In Dating
(And They Don't Have A Clue)

From what I have gathered, here are the three biggest slip-ups that ladies make as they go about dating, resulting in disappointment and disappearing acts from men.

Boo-Boo Number One: Appearing Desperate To A Man

I must tell you, there are many more ways that you can set “Warning Bells” inside a man’s head and actually make him think twice about taking that big leap of faith with you.

Don’t worry, even ladies with the strongest personalities can actually give off this vibe, which can really decrease the chances of getting a second chance.

I will discuss with you some of the things ladies do which basically make you appear desperate and unappealing in our eyes.

Have you ever done any of these before?

Demeaning your exes. 

If you have a habit of badmouthing your exes, we see this as something negative on your part. It makes us think that you have some excess baggage that you haven’t really gotten taken care of.

So why should we be in a relationship with you?

Calling other ladies names.

When you are always getting around to labeling other ladies with such demeaning remarks such as “whore”, “bitch”, or “psycho”, it just makes us shake our heads in dismay. I know you can’t help but do this when you see men checking other ladies out, but we can see from that name-calling that you are just hiding your insecurity and just looking for attention.

Makes us think, would we really want to be with someone like this?

PDA overload! 

Touching is one thing, but hanging on your man is completely another story. But we may never tell you that you are overdoing the public display of affection. But what really excites men more are those random moments that you show just how sweet you can be.

Brace yourselves for the next ones, which may be more subtle, but have the most dangerous effects. You will have to be mindful of showing those potentially harmful signals.

First checkout these slip-ups before I get into those details, let’s continue…

Boo-Boo Number Two: Being More Affectionate Than Exciting

Most ladies think that guys think about sex all the time. Big mistake! What’s even worse is that they think that they can play to a man’s affectionate urges, and a more exciting connection will automatically follow.

Ladies sleep with men because they think that what they have can develop into a courtship. But the important thing that ladies miss is the fact that we are able to separate the affectionate versus the exciting connection. Therefore, the two things are not exactly the same in our head. You would need to have some magical power to be able to sync those two factors for us—and make them work for the relationship.

For us guys, there’s more to our dating lives than just sex. If you would only know how to go around and fulfilling both the affectionate and exciting needs at the same time, then we know you’re a keeper! Plus, you will also be able to get the same amount of happiness for yourself. Now, wait one second as I explain this better.

Boo-Boo Number Three: Having No Idea How Serious He Is About A Relationship

What happens only too often is that ladies decide to build a courtship with a guy, as based with that “connection” that they feel.

There’s nothing wrong with pursuing someone based on a connection. But this can be more damaging in the long run.

When we are strongly connected to one another, we fail to see reason and we don’t go with our gut. We tend to overlook those warning signs that can have long-term effects.

If you seem to be stuck in a courtship that takes a turn for the worse, this is a HUGE red flag and should not be ignored—because it was built solely on the idea of that “LUST” and nothing more.

Now, this is really important. You have to learn how to evaluate guys and see the red flags of a potentially awful courtship—and fast! This will help you avoid wasting all your time, energy, and passion on a courtship that could just break your heart in the end. It’s not as hard as it seems, and I will show you how to go about this.

Here Are The Ways
To MakeThat Man of Your Dreams
Fall In Love With You
And Stay

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just go beyond all those forgettable dates and just find the right man, the man you have been expecting?

Would you like to know more about making a man fall for you because of your intellect and love potential, and not just be wanted for sex alone?

Would you like to obtain that certain “advantage” over other ladies, with your ability to keep the perfect guy, even more than those who are more attractive than you?

Can you admit to yourself that you are really tired of men who never really make that leap of faith with you?

Do you want to break away from the vicious cycle of loving and being left behind?

Or have you ever felt that you are never going to be able to meet THE ONE?

Would you want to take things to another level with that certain someone you’re with now and be devoted, but don’t know how to go about it?

Or do you feel that you’re stuck in a courtship now which seems to be going in circles, just because your guy doesn’t do all the sweet things he used to do for you back when you just started going out?

Would you want him to go back to his old loving ways?

If you said YES to any of my questions, well you are going to be very excited about this then…

I have created something that I can call “an instruction Guide on men” which offers you the basic tricks and tips of getting and holding-on to that man of your dreams.

Your “Secret Weapon”
To Ensure
Future Dating Success 

My Guide, is called... “Dating Secrets for Ladies”.

I think that the key to being successful in your love life starts with understanding how a man’s mind works. If you can master this, then I am certain that you can snag a keeper, FOREVER.

In my Guide, I am going to be your Guide every step of the way to get that one great guy and making him stay for the long haul.

For your convenience, I have decided to create my Guide in an “electronic” online format, so that you can download it right now and read through just what I’m talking about.

I’m really not what you would call an award-winning writer, so I apologize in advance if this Guide does not meet your scholarly standards, as I was more concerned with dealing with practical matters on dating.

Men’s Secrets He Wishes You Knew…

I’m sure you’ve come across a romantic story about a confident lady meeting her “bad boy”, and “completely changing him”—making him completely fall for her head over heels—to an extent that he wants to live out their lives together eternally?

You might be saying that this is the stuff that romance novels are made of, and I’m not that sure if you’re into them—but this stuff comes true in real life too.

And I’m not kidding.

Guys do COMMIT. And yes, they are looking forward to make that decision to be with someone forever. A man just needs to meet that one girl who’s going to make him feel this way.

But you may be asking me how such a thing can happen.

How can a lady make a man feel that she’s the one for keeps?

To be honest, well, us guys don’t really think about this much.

And even if we do, we can’t really tell you how to do it for us. We just want you to make it happen—much as you do.

Trust me, your man will not really be able to give you an idea how you can completely hold him under your spell, but I can tell you he is wishing that you will be able to do everything right.

Which is the part where I can be of help to you.

When I started creating this Guide, my main goal is to really uncover what it takes to catch a great guy and keep him—and how a lady can go about it seamlessly, making it as natural as breathing.

With all my years of relating to different men and ladies, I have learned a lot of important things.

I talked to ladies who have been able to meet guys who would be considered a “keeper” — men who possess that uncanny combination of attractiveness and success.

Before these ladies got to keep their dream guy, I’m sure a lot of ladies had tried before to snag them, to no avail.

There are some common traits I have noticed that these kind of ladies share.

These ladies seem to all have a way of making the “catch” see you differently and also see you as “his life” and not just yet another lover.

They all had this distinctive way of evaluating a man immediately; avoiding wasting time on a man that they know doesn’t deserve them. They even get as far as to make a guy tell you his deepest most trusted secrets without him even realizing it!

These ladies also had a great way of managing relationships, resolving issues, and having the “we should talk” which is so different from the usual situation that guys usually dread. They have a way of creating that special bond, “TEAM” that makes men treasure the relationship even more.

Why Some Ladies Get To Keep Their Man
and Not Others...

I may have to spill some “secrets” as a man to you, so that you may understand me better.

I have managed to talk to quite a few of these so-called Keepers and got them to spill the secrets as to how they eventually got snagged, and some of them were not even aware of it!

Guys have this way of sizing up a lady right away, and years of dating have taught them to veer away from certain types—those who are drama queens in the making, ladies who are clingy and needy, and those who just have that excess emotional baggage we just can’t deal with. Guys have a way of knowing your sensual potential even before the action happens in the bedroom.

They also told me about what their ladies had done to make them realize that she is indeed THE ONE, and was going to stay for the rest of their lives. These guys that I am talking about are the types who seem to have a lot going for them, therefore, they had a lot of choices. But they still ended up deciding to stay with that ONE lady, and forgetting about the rest.

I got these men to relate to me what these exceptional ladies have done to make them hold on—which is actually the biggest issue for us men, in committing to that certain someone we love with all our hearts.

I consider myself lucky in the sense that I have rarely experienced dating drama, but finding that one lady I’d want to keep is another thing altogether.

I can only count with a few fingers on my one hand the ladies who have actually made me stay. All the men I have talked with can also relate to this statement.

As I was creating this Guide, I have also recalled those one-of-a-kind ladies who have made me feel how love can be really beautiful, which made them stand out from other ladies I have gone out with.

I am going to talk about all these things with you here in my Guide. And I won’t skip out on any truths.

All I can say is this:

Some ladies can keep their men more than other ladies can, because they know how.

For some ladies, this comes as a natural skill, but some may actually be able to acquire the same skill as time goes by, by knowing the secrets.

These are the secrets contained in my Guide, and I am very excited to tell you everything.

This is a very unique Guide, and you will definitely not find another guy telling you as much as I do. I even include video references at the end of every chapter for immediate illustrations and to further your understandings with real world examples. I even go as far as to include homework that you can go out and apply on any man that very day.

If I were a lady, this would be the “Holy Grail” I would be interested in having. I would definitely read this all the time to remember all its key lessons.

For inside this Guide are the secrets that all men wished ladies knew—and this would surely be empowering for all the ladies who would want to get clued in on what their guys think.

Men’s Secrets You’ll Want To Know
Only In My Guide! 

There is also a way to make a man know that you are very choosy—and this will make him work overtime to get you. This is the real deal, and is a guaranteed way to make a guy practically ACHE to be with you, without you resorting to emotional exploitation.
I can also make you realize how your feelings usually blind you into thinking that he may be what you have longed-for, when deep inside, you know that this could be a total waste of time. You can use this rather easy check to uncover the certainty whenever you have doubts.
I will also reveal how “playas” use manipulative plans to bait you to get with them, only to disappear on you suddenly. You need to know their tricks so that you can turn them around in your favor.
I’ll tell you all about these types of “playas”, and how to spot each one, and what to do about it!
I will also give you some tips on how to land on a man’s KEEPER radar immediately — as I told you, guys are pretty quick to size up your relationship potential.
You will also learn more about harmonizing the energy in a courtship—how to channel the passion and togetherness you have into something beneficial for you and your man.
You also be able to identify all your guy’s motives for being afraid to hand over all he has got to give to you—and what you can do to fix it.
The one critical obsession any distinct lady must know—is how to recognize a respectable guy apart from the others.
I’ve come across a lot of so-called experts in the field of dating, even sat in on some lectures and tried as much as I can to know everything I can about ladies, guys, and courtships. But nothing seemed to make any sense until I heard real stories from real ladies like YOU. I am going to let you discover the things you are able to do to ensure success in your committed relationships. There’s this one dominant secret that will let you stay with your guy for good, but almost no lady knows about this.
Sometimes your man says things that make you so frustrated. NOW know when he says something and what he really means and be able to answer him in a way that gets him puzzled but at the same time admiring you MORE.
I will also let you in on an easy yet efficient preparation that will ensure you meet THE ONE you’ve always been searching for.
I will also let you know about the comments you must by no means make about other ladies, which would make you come off as apprehensive, and therefore, unattractive.
How to ace all the different hidden tactics that guys put ladies through and make it look like you don’t even know what is going on when he asks as you answer them all with flying colors.
You will also learn that ONE subject that you must never inquire about with your guy especially when you are just getting to know him.
I will also show you why beautiful ladies end up having a worse time snagging that guy they want—and how to fix that too.
I will also let you in on ways to make your man feel that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to him, dropping all other dates in his life he has going and focusing on YOU!
There are many ways how a guy can get clued in on ladies opinion of herself. You will get some useful tips from my Guide to exude more self-assurance.
There are numerous ways to let the man of your dreams know that you are a “keeper”. If you demonstrate to him just 3 or 4, he will be thinking about spending the rest of his life with you, but if you dare to illustrate to him all of them, he will definitely be sure that you are, indeed, a KEEPER.
Then, there’s also a great but effortless way to make a guy understand that he is entirely wrong and irrational—with no words what so ever! Trust me, your man will be the one running to you to say he is sorry when you try this.
When your courtship grows old—I will share with you a verified tactic to inject some excitement back into the mix again, and keep the spontaneity going all the time. Actually, this is the huge secret that every man hopes his lady knew about, but only a precious few ever get to unravel.
I will also teach you how to evaluate men and know if they are looking for a “faithful” or a “nonchalant” relationship only—along with indications that would encourage you to take what you feel to the next level.
Ecstatic relationships all follow the same pattern or the same undisclosed method, which other pairs in no way really get to apply in their connection, that’s why they end breaking up. I can share this secret with you, which you can apply at any phase in your dating experience.
The best way to make a man appreciate you is to create that emotion that would make him want to commit to you. Trust me, you’ll want to know this, and I can guarantee that this strategy will work with every man you’ll go out with starting now.
Then there’s this one big “red flag” that makes a guy instantly realize just how desperate a lady is. If you have no idea what this persona you are giving off is, most likely you are doing this all the time, making any guy see you as desperate and unpleasant.
An easy way for the both of you to always imagine and dream about each other all the time.
You will also get to discover one great tactic to make your man drop everything and pursue you FOREVER. Let me tell you, all guys desperately want their ladies to do this, but they will never say it.
Then there’s also a, very sneaky almost down right wrong because it is so effective, way to make a guy imagine only you—nonstop! I will definitely get into trouble with most men and if my boys ever find out I gave this secret away, look out and use this tip only when needed, because you are really going to make a man literally crazy for you if you do this too often!
I know there’s one major issue in any courtship that you hate so much, when he becomes unfaithful. Well I am telling you, you can surely do something about it and armor-proof what you have before it even gets there!
You must also learn how to draw your guy in by being somewhat egotistical. I know this doesn’t make sense right now, but guys love if you do this and you can make it work for you.
I’ll also show key elements that will make you evaluate the kind of guy who will make a wonderful match for you. This way, you will be sure what to look for and save time—plus, it increases your chances of running into him!
Have you ever been in a rocky courtship and you wanted to do something about it? Almost all ladies I have spoken to, contradict themselves completely and go the other way rather than just staying on route and work things out for the better.
Find out how to save a courtship gone bad so that you can GROW old and wrinkly together.
A must know on the BIGGEST issues you should avoid, like the H1N1 Virus, when you are talking to that potential KEEPER.
I will also tell you how you can get your man knowing just what a mind-blowing passionate lover you are—even before the bedroom action begins! If you want to literally drive a man crazy with longing for you—this is a surefire way.
There’s also the one thing you have to keep in mind before you go after someone you will want to have a relationship with. You must read this part very carefully.
You will also learn how to make a guy disregard his past dating disasters, which are actually keeping him from making that big leap with you.
There are also very basic things a lady must do to ensure a healthy courtship with the guy of her dreams. If you fail to apply just one, you might risk running the courtship into the ground.
I will also share with you tips on how to make a guy appreciate that you are more than just another girlfriend. If you apply what I teach you from the start of your relationship, I guarantee that he will want to love you without end.
A huge slip-up ladies can make is asking a guy to have the “talk”, over-analyzing the courtship—do this and you will get nowhere with him fast.
More fun homework that you do in just minutes to de-clutter your thoughts and improve your interaction expertise, which will come in handy when you want to address the issues you are currently experiencing in your courtship.
I am also going to share with you how you can build that certain passionate relationship which your guy won’t be able to forget—right from the first time DATE.
I will also clue you in on a few things that ladies do (and are unaware of it) to throw away any possibility of him asking you out again. Showing these behaviors is actually enough to make him forget you all together, even if you thought things seemed to be going good.
There are also several ways to give admiration to a guy with just enough attention, not going overboard, and making him go after you instead!
Another massive slip-up that you could be doing, which will definitely signal the end to any chance of a future with your guy. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I bet you are guilty and you need to know this NOW!
An essential expertise that you also will become very skilled at on what you have to do to break away from that bad routine when you meet a guy that is not only a great catch but also someone you are into.
A telltale sign most ladies act upon without even knowing that show your guy your are still hiding something in the closet.
The truth behind when to sleep with your guy if you want the courtship to have any real future of progressing. Once I let this out I can just imagine all the hate mail I am going to get from all the guys in this world for spilling the beans here, however, it’s just too critical for me not to let you know all about this.
Why he never tells you his true feelings but learn a guaranteed technique to make your guy want to spill everything to you and draw him closer.
You will be able to charm your guy so good, he will initiate the need to want to sit down with you and “talk” about your future together. Never worry about him not opening up to you again!
I’ll also share with you the tricks that some “great ladies use” to reform their guy instantly. Actually, I was always wondering why ladies rarely have a clue about this, as it is really unbelievably easy!
And I will also Guide you on what you’re supposed to say when your guy tells you that he’s going out with the guys—and why you should never say the wrong thing here.
I will also help you shatter the idea of the vicious cycle of loving and leaving—COMPLETELY.
I will suggest to you surprisingly easy solution that would draw your guy even more affectionate towards you and will give you simple tips on how to make things more intense.
I will also tell you the truth on why guys crave for diversity in their sex lives—and how to make your man stop it and WANT you more.
Channeling passionate qualification—you have the power to increase your poise and stabilize your emotions so that you will be prepared when you bump into THE ONE.
There are also ways to make your guy experience that you and you only in this world can appreciate him—even if this was your first date together! Let him know you’re a CATCH—right then and there!
You can also learn how you can show your man that you’ve got real aptitude for things without appearing like you are too arrogant—which is a slip-up that most ladies normally commit.
But then there’s also that ONE approach that makes a guy realize that he’s talking to a lady that does not mess around with losers and who’s definitely one-of-a-kind—and that can be YOU! This is probably the best secret I am going to tell you in the whole Guide.
I will also let you in on a fun homework exercise you can do to instantly recharge your happiness level at any given time. You can apply this not only when you feel lovelorn, but also when you’re down and out—get to snap back to the happy YOU instantly!
You will also find out that there are a lot of little ideas and hobbies with your guy that will forge your bond even stronger.
You’ll also have the chance to unleash your hidden dating talent you never knew you had all while entertaining and amusing yourself in the process. The only thing you will wonder after all this is why you did not do these techniques years ago.
Establishing logical seduction—there’s actually a surefire way to maintain a guy hooked on you all the time, for however long you want.
I will also teach you some savvy tips you will use to make a man ask for your number.
When he doesn’t inquire about you anymore and what you can do to fix it. This truly works, believe me.
I will also teach you how to use exciting tools to ensure that the guy of your dreams ends his search with you, starting right with the first date.
You must also find out all about the secret ways that men put ladies to the test—and how to ace them, even though you don’t seem to have an idea what’s going on.
I will also let you in on what I think to be major slip-ups which equal to relationship destroyers that will surely send what you have going on spinning in circles and going no where.
There are also indications you unintentionally put out that automatically make you seem to guys as apprehensive and desperate. Most of the time ladies commit them unintentionally, learn what they are and half the battle is already won.
The reality about how guys approach ladies and dating—it’s definitely way different from what most ladies have in mind—plus get to know what you need to do if you want to take your relationship to the next level.
The dreaded Public-Display-Of-Affection all guys frown upon. Do it one-way and you seem desperate, NOW do it my way and he will start hinting to get you home now.
The one obligation to yourself that you must establish at the onset of the courtship if you ever want anything to develop into something more.
And this is just some of what you are going to learn to find that prince you have always wanted…

Your Personal Insider Look…

Chapter 12
Make Guys Go
Beyond the Courtship

   Instead of just giving you a chapter from the Guide for you to read now, I wanted you to hear the Dating Secrets for Ladies Audio version as well as another option for your convenience, so here you go:

When I set out a few years back and began looking into completing this Guide, the number one goal I had in mind, more like a passion of mine, was and still is to make you happy. It doesn’t matter whether you are after just catching a fabulous guy, getting into a real commitment, or just falling in love for the first time—I just want you to find who you are dreaming to meet that will treat you the way you deserve.

This Guide will make you know more about how relationships and people in general work and hopefully make you a better person in the process as you will see the world differently from now on in a new perspective with the end goal of course finding and getting your prince charming. It will help you make your dream man realize that you’re the only lady on the planet for him and his search is now over because you can and will give him all he has ever wanted in a life-partner.

I will help you to know how to succeed in your current or new relationship by showing you how things are suppose to happen and why, and how to get there as you would expect with no hidden surprises…anymore.

Here's To Your New Beginning...

Everything that you will come across in this Guide guarantees that you will now move forward in this area of your life and not go in circles anymore because you will now know what to do. Most ladies often end up not knowing how to approach courtships in the slightest and more times than not just end up settling down with the first guy who shows interest, but this doesn’t have to happen, more importantly not to you, no more.

But you may ask me—does this work for everyone?

Let me be completely honest with you—there is a very good chance IT WON’T.

But can I ask you something:

What if the things you learn in this Guide give you the opportunity to meet that ONE more guy with a lot of relationship potential, the ONE you have dreamed about?

Would you pass it up?

What if it shows you how to do something about saving your precious relationship with the love of your life that seems to be on the rocks right now?

Would this Guide deserve a good read?

In turn, I want you to search deep inside and ask yourself:

What happens if this Guide will dramatically increase the chances of you meeting that fantastic guy and making him stay with you forever?

What if you can with all certainty discover everything about and grab hold of the right kind of guy and finally find genuine love you truly ought to have?

What would that be worth to you?

Some people may say a thousand dollars, some even more. But for most people, I know that there’s no price tag attached to this kind of happiness.

The promise of having that one meaningful attraction to call your own would definitely be worth what you put in.

I am sure that a time will come that you will reminisce on this and be glad that you actually made that jump.

One thing’s for certain:

A time will come that you will end up meeting that fabulous guy. Maybe this has already happened—maybe you are going out with him right now.

But do you know what to do next in any scenario to bring you a long-lasting relationship?

How do you intend to take things further into that direction where it’s supposed to go? Or are you just going to pass on this amazing opportunity and wonder what it could of all been like?

Are you even ready for the possibility that you might never get to find the perfect man for you and never know how to make your relationships work?

Or do you want to do something about it, right here, right now—so that you can move on with this part of your life, and most importantly—enjoy your life together?

I leave you with this one final reflection.

I have realized one thing after years of learning how people interact and conduct themselves.

If you don’t make this determination to do something about the issues you are going through and facing this very moment—most likely you won’t really do something about it, EVER. And in line with that, you will end up being caught in the same vicious cycle when it comes to love.

I want as many ladies to get past all these troubles and learn all what I have seen and heard and put into my Guide, which is why I have priced it at a most affordable price of USD$29.99.

Just browse over my Guide and give it the one shot over and see what you think.

And For Taking A Chance On Me
You Can Also Have Your FREE
“Dating Secrets for Ladies
Expert Interview Series”  

Along with this very special one time offer, I will also be sharing with you one of my audio interviews from my “Expert Interview Series” which I do monthly in CD format.

If you are looking for creating change in a particular area of your life, the best way to go about it is to seek help from people who have already established themselves in that field where you crave change.

This includes the whole confusing field of love, dating, and courtships.

It won’t really surprise me if you think that you one way or another know what you have to recognize about guys and courtships.

Actually, almost all ladies (and guys) will not like to acknowledge that they are absolutely clueless about this entire subject and haven’t the slightest idea how to handle the opposite sex or where to start.

But when situations fail to turn out as expected—like when a guy withdraws his attention, hesitates to give in, or just quits the chase all together—then it would make you understand that you didn’t really know a lot about love after all.

If you are actually bent on getting that one perfect guy and maintaining him, one of the best things to do is to be around people who have previously gone through this, worked things out, and have a better idea how to REALLY go about it.

Even though your girlfriends may give great advice, I am not just talking about people who have had the same experience—I am talking about people who know EXACTLY what to do, and people who have dedicated part of their lives to finding out and sharing with others how to find and maintain that one meaningful courtship you been longing for.

As I know how important this is, I have also gotten the insights of several of these top experts so they can share everything they know, ultimately for your advantage.
Each month I record a live interview and put it on CD with one person whose opinions can dramatically help you increase your chances of success in the dating department

—INCLUDING keeping that guy of your dreams.

This is exactly how it works? It’s really easy.

Once you download my Guide, I will automatically also give you a one-month FREE subscription to my “Expert Interview Series” as a special treat for just trying out my Guide, which you will receive by mail soon after.

I am just absolutely positive that you are going to really appreciate, more like love, this interview so much that I am paying the SHIPPING just to send it to you! If you end up loving it (and I’m so sure you will), you can keep your subscription month after month. Each time that you receive an amazing interview, you will automatically be billed only USD USD$19.97 (USD$24.97 if you live outside the U.S.). FREE SHIPPING comes FOREVER. Plus, if you change your mind, you have the option to just cancel your subscription anytime with no questions asked. Guaranteed.

Once you get your first free Interview and don’t think that it will actually work for you, you can just cancel any time and keep it for free—it’s my GIFT for you for just deciding to try it out.

How is that for fair?

I am 100% sure that you are really going to love this!

This gift has an actual of value USD$20, but I am letting you get it for free just for taking a chance on me with my Guide. Should you decide to subscribe, this Interview along with all the next ones will be sent in plain packaging for a more personal private approach. You are entitled to this special offer if you make your purchase right now with your credit or debit card.

[Read all about my Expert Interview Series by clicking HERE that will explain the details.]

If you don’t want to receive this free gift, then you may choose not to with just one click, but you can still get the Guide! It’s really not complicated at all!

You See, It Works Like This...

Just click on the happy orange add to cart button below and you'll go to my secure order page that will process your credit card or online check information.

Once you use my secure credit card or online check options you can download the Guide INSTANTLY as a PDF file in Adobe Reader. You may also choose to order my Guide through PayPal or by mail for your convenience, just click below.

The transaction you will make is guaranteed safe—using my secure server, your order information is transmitted using the latest SSL encryption technology of at least 128 bit encryption to ensure complete and total privacy and security. Then you will be discreetly billed as “Ethan Evans” with my toll-free phone number included for your reference.

It will only take no more than a few minutes and as fast as 5 minutes for you to be well on your way to reading your Guide!

Once you get your Guide, just browse through it for a while and look at the parts that catch your attention first, before reading it thoroughly. You will always find this approach useful as you discover the surprise of a relationship with that one great guy.

Give It A Shot...
Try "Dating Secrets for Ladies"
FREE For 7 Days

I can say that this will probably be the most significant decision you will make to improve your love life.

I am very certain that all you will discover from my Guide will be very instrumental in improving your situation when it comes to handling courtships and getting inside the minds of men.

I know that this Guide may not really have everything that you’re looking for, and I want you to be completely satisfied with it first—which is why YOU DON’T PAY ANYTHING NOW until you've had a opportunity to try it for yourself and determine for yourself how it works.

Once you click on the happy orange add to cart button below, you'll be directed to my secure order page where you can download the Guide for FREE instantly. If you use a valid credit card to order my Guide... you won't be charged for a full 7 days.

Just read the Guide from beginning to end and you'll discover tips and strategies that you can use IMMEDIATELY to make that upgrade in your dating life...guaranteed!

You can use the full 7 days to fully read the Guide and start applying the lessons you will discover from it.


My 7 Day Guarantee!

But if you have already read the Guide and decided that it’s not going to work for you, or if you feel that it didn’t help you in any way, just simply reply to the email confirmation you'll receive when you download your copy of the Guide, put in "cancel" in your message,
and I won't charge your credit card at all.

Fair Enough?


If you find the Guide pretty useful—you don’t need to do anything anymore. Your credit card will be billed automatically - but not before you've had a FULL 7 DAYS to go through it and hopefully apply what you have read.

This is all because I just truly have a passion to help you succeed and to help you learn how you can meet a fabulous guy and make him stay with you forever. I get loads of wonderful comments a day from ladies just like you who have experienced great results just by applying what they have learned from my Guide. And I want to read your comments too.

Just click the happy orange add to cart button below to download
Dating Secrets for Ladies
and begin your adventure now including your 7-day free trial:

I understand how this offer works

Note: If you are interested in ordering through PayPal or by mail, Click Here. (The free 7-day trial is only available with a credit or debit card.)

Do you ever wonder what that one PERFECT courtship actually is?

A great man you can share a profound passionate connection with… who will consider you as his never-ending source of encouragement and advice?

A man who always has the time to listen to you and make you feel that you are the most beautiful lady in the world?

Do you want to encounter a love and burning excitement that lasts forever?

Do you want to settle down one day with THE ONE and start your own legacy?

Will you ever come across a guy who will treat you everyday like his princess?

Are you looking forward to having that one guy who makes you feel special, safe and is just purely after making you happy?

This can all happen to you, and I want to help you with this. But you have to decide right now and take this leap of faith.

Get started with finding out what real love means now.

I really think that it’s just the perfect time for you to finally do something about it and make yourself find the happiness you truly deserve.

Just click the happy orange add to cart button above to get Dating Secrets for Ladies including your 7-day free trial now.

If you have any questions about this Guide package, just go to the Support Page or send an email to support@DatingSecretsforLadies.com and I will be more than happy to reply back.

Wishing you only the best in the quest for real love,

Your Friend,

P.S. All the tips and lessons contained in my Guide are designed to help you get and hold on to the one great guy who will love you forever. Whether you want to know how to come across this guy ASAP, or you're already with him and would just want him to realize that you are, indeed, "The One", then this Guide is guaranteed to be more than just helpful—it’s life-changing! You have nothing to lose—with my 100% satisfaction guarantee! You don’t like it, YOU DON’T PAY, as simple as that!

Read What Others Have To Say…

I love the variety and depth of many of your dating tips videos. You truly are a wealth of valuable information regarding Love, Relationships and Dating. Keep up the good work!

 Cindi Anderson
Laredo, Texas





Ok thanks again for the advice you are a wonderful person and I'm glad that they are people out there like you that really care sometimes I need someone to talk to or someone who can relate or at least understand what I'm going through and I have found that person within you.






These videos are eye openers that keep you abreast of how men and women think in these times. It doesn't matter if you're young or old, these videos are educational and inspirational.

Shannikia Ball
Detroit, MI





It's very useful to have the perspective and the professional opinion of the member of the opposite sex. No matter how hard a woman might try to get into a man's mind, having a candid opinion coming directly from a man who spends a considerable amount of time researching male behaviour with, and response to women, is valuable to a woman's better understanding of men.

Arkady Itkin
San Francisco, CA





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